I ask because in times like these when we're all supposed to just be happy we have a job it seems that behavior is scrutinized - perhaps too much in some instances. For some it is a privacy issue with a work computer or work phone, for others it is internet usage on company time. But what about some fuzzy lines we all encounter? It's nearly impossible to schedule a doctor's appointment on your own time because a doctor, or some reason, has the same office hours as the rest of the universe. So it essentially boils down to taking care of something personal on company time. But does it effect your performance? I remember one episode of "The Office" when Jim called out Dwight as being hypocritical about the whole personal business/company time conundrum. Try it for a day - see if you can go an entire day without doing anything deemed as personal on company time. Then see if you were any more productive than you usually are.
I would venture a guess that you end your day without personal tasks feeling more exhausted. But you also end it having done about the same amount of work, if not less, than you would accomplish with taking some personal time during the course of your work day. Whether you check your personal web e-mail on your office computer, update your Facebook status or blog for a few minutes it gives you a break - outside of your normal break time(s) - from the daily grind and you are more refreshed and focused.
So, what has the situation been? Do you take personal breaks for those little tasks?
Or do you hop on over to MinnPics to see what kind of photographic gems I've dug up?
It's pretty important to me to feel good about the work I'm contributing. So I try hard. I've also been known to do things that no one even notices, like clean the supply cabinet or rearrange the copy paper boxes so they're easier to find. I ususally do those things when there's down time, like the computer's down or running a long search string. I like to keep busy.
I say that you should only work as hard as you are paid. I have learned the unfortunate lesson of trying WAY TOO HARD only to learn that it pretty much gets you no where fast to go out of your way to do extra stuff. If I knew that my extra efforts would in fact be acknowledged, I would go the extra mile....
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