Friday, December 3, 2010

What could I eliminate?

In trying to keep myself reflecting on the past year and motivating myself for the upcoming year, I'll keep going with the Reverb 10 project.

What do you do each day that doesn't contribute to your writing - and can you eliminate it?
Author: Leo Babauta
2010 saw my writing - in blog form - dwindle to an all-time low. I seemed to be writing more than ever before but in different venues. I kept forging ahead with non-writing blog ventures such as MinnPics and started a Tumblr blog, Minnesota River Valley, to showcase my own photography so I've probably been blogging more than ever before, just not here and just not so much using words so my writing has decreased. And maybe it was time to take a step back from writing so much. From a traffic standpoint I haven't lost any visitors but I have lost engagement. Comments have nearly withered up but writing less frequently will have that effect.

What could I eliminate, though, that doesn't contribute to my writing? That's an excellent question. I don't know that there's anything I'd willingly give up that doesn't contribute to my writing given my relatively miniscule amount of writing currently. Maybe I have less in the way of meaningful topics to write about or maybe I've instead found other ways to discuss meaningful topics of interest to me. Or maybe I've learned to simply say less because I have instead chosen to do more. Whatever the case, I still plan on keeping up my once-a-week pace here -- unless something really sparks my interest and gets my blood boiling.

1 comment:

Bill Roehl said...

The faithful will continue to wait with bated breath for your words of wisdom sir! :-)