Friday, December 10, 2010

Get in the Christmas spirit

As far as I'm concerned, the Christmas season is defined by two movies which just so happen to be on opposite ends of the spectrum.

On one end is Chevy Chase's hilarious and at least partially accurate portrayal of Christmas with "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation". For whatever reason, it seems to have practically vanished from broadcast on any major network but I did happen to catch a few minutes of it sometime in October on, of all channels, CMT.

On the other end is "It's a Wonderful Life". The movie is heartwarming and touching and might even bring a tear to your eye -- especially when George Bailey remembers Zuzu's petals in his pocket. "It's a Wonderful Life" is the definitive Christmas movie because it nails, in a touching fashion, what Christmas is all about. Christmas makes you think of family and the scenes where George Bailey is being shown what the world would be like had he never been born should make each and every person watching be proud of their place in the world -- even if their accomplishments seem insignificant.

To fully experience the Christmas season you have to watch both movies. Not watching both will leave a rather sizeable hole in your heart and will probably ruin Christmas.

"It's a Wonderful Life" airs locally on KARE-11 (NBC) at 7 PM on Saturday. If nothing else, it will give you something warm and fuzzy to watch as a blizzard rattles your dwelling's windows.

1 comment:

Mrs Marcos said...

I'm not overly religious but the show that gets me in the Christmas mood is the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. When Linus steps onto the stage and recites the Biblical passage of the Christmas story, I always get goose bumps. I might not necessarily believe things happened exactly as written in the Bible but it is good to remember the message of love, peace, and goodwill towards men.