Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Lady Gaga - Alejandro video

Outside of some simulated sexual intercourse and some S&M going on, Lady Gaga's video for her latest single, "Alejandro", is far from shocking. She's made the epic music video her trademark in the last year so an eight-plus minute clip for a four-minute song isn't much of a surprise. Lady Gaga is going to have to step it up a few notches. Oh, sure, she struts around fora bit with machine guns attached to her bra and spends the majority of the video just one step above naked but that's who she is. In being shocking, Lady Gaga has taken the shock out of her shocking and isually stunning imagery. To me, the video for "Alejandro" tries too damn hard to be edgy, shocking and cool and instead falls sort of flat.

1 comment:

Jules said...

Yeah, I watched it earlier today. I thought it was far too much of an attempt at being Madonna-esque in videos from back in her day. I do like the song though. But after Telephone and even Bad Romance, I was expecting something way out there.